Masterclass by Tiina Lymi

In her masterclass, Tiina will be talking about her journey as a director and writer. She will explain how the classic education that she received from the academy and her knowledge of plays and literature have been significant factors in her career as a writer.

Tiina would also like to talk about the subject of finding your own voice as a writer and director.

“I believe that the material that comes from you and the genre you create as an artist is the key to doing something that gets heard in all the noise. The courage you need to keep, your subject and your vision is an important part of doing something that speaks to people and raises feelings and thoughts in the audience.

When you are trying to get noticed, trying to get funding and have been denied many times, the only way to pull through is to be loyal to your innermost vision and to your main character. And it’s not always an easy task.”