
Vladimír Skórka

An independent ideamaker, producer and director, who first profiled himself as a host on Helax and Evropa 2 radio stations, where he was also the co-author of some popular programs and sections, such as the TV show Sabotáž. He is the creator of the satirical show for the iDnes.cz video portal called Česko snese všecko. As a producer, screenwriter and director, he did a number of commercials and image videos, and above all the web series The Line. Vladimír also stands behind the shooting of series for Slovak TV JOJ – Gravediggers (script from Petr Kolečko) and for Czech TV Nova – Co jste Hasiči? (script from Merkner/Šimiček). He is currently working as a screenwriter and director on the new series Almost Broke (practiCORONAly boke).