Disruption in Production: Solutions for the Series Crisis

While the current crisis in the television business is due to changes in the way television series are broadcast and distributed, the problems in the production sector are in large part due to a model for series production that has changed little in the last 75 years.

As program makers have moved from film to tape and to digital, rather than adapting production models to fit the technology, they have adapted the technology to fit the system, resulting in a production model that is expensive, labour intensive and has a heavy carbon cost.

But there are solutions. With budgets being slashed, new technology is creating new options and production models, including SPS, a new system developed with Apple. This approach delivers more production value at a lower cost that also reduces the carbon footprint of production substantially.

This new technology offers an opportunity to do more with less, using technology in a new way to deliver series that can compete successfully with better-funded rivals, create compelling and innovative factual and fiction formats and enable production that is truly sustainable and green.

Speaker: Steven Bawol